Operational Excellence

Four insights on Organisational Performance Management

Organisational performance management is about turning strategic initiatives into results. Fortune Magazine reports that nine out of ten organisations fail to implement their strategic plan. They go on to outline some of the reasons why: 60% of organisations don’t link strategy to budgeting 75% of organisations don’t link employee incentives to strategy 86% of business owners and managers spend less than one hour per month discussing strategy 95% of the typical workforce doesn’t understand their […]

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The Seven Secrets of Successful Strategy Development

The practical aspects of Strategy Implementation In my first blog post, I tackled the topic of Operational Excellence, laying out the four critical elements as I saw them, and promising to delve into greater detail in subsequent posts. This is #2 in the series and in this post, I share my thinking on Strategy. At the outset, I must emphasise that I am taking a practical approach to this topic. You can go and Google any number

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The Four Critical Elements to Achieving Operational Excellence

This post on How to achieve Operational Excellence is my very first foray into the world of blogging since becoming a business consultant. You will see from the blurb at the bottom that I have spent more than thirty years in business, and have now ventured into the arena of business consulting. This has come about mostly because my most recent assignment has been in a small (now not-so-small) scale-up in the renewables industry. Scale-ups are generally

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Scale-Up Needs a Different Sort of Mentorship than Start-up!

Leading organisations can be lonely and a coach and mentorship make a real difference. This is especially true when you are an inexperienced CEO in a small start-up or a fledgling scale-up. No surprise! What is not well understood, however, is that the type of coach or mentor that is needed shifts as you move from start-up to scale-up. One size definitely does not fit all, in this case. The typical start-up CEO is in

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Why a Scale-Up Needs a Different Sort of Mentorship to a Start-Up! Podcast

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Wayne Hartmann is an experienced coach and mentor to businesses in the world of scaling up. He is the founder of H2 Business Consulting and a lead coach and mentor in the 10xe Accelerator Program and provides critical support to the 1% of elite scaling businesses in South Africa.

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